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“Socialism is the only guarantee of being free and independent”

However, we might dispute the social gains that the Cuban government claimed its version of socialism achieved in its Soviet-sponsored age (1961-1991), today’s version of Cuban socialism is a far cry from guaranteeing anything. Schools not only continued to hemorrhage students and teachers in these years but even new Communist Pioneer uniforms kids were required to wear no longer came mostly from government agencies. Rather, they began to be made abroad and sold in Miami to revendedores [resellers] who brought them on planes for resale in bulk to parents through their partners on the island. By 2011 when this picture was taken, most Cuban doctors served foreign, dollar-paying patients in the state’s “health tourism” industry or were sent abroad as government contract workers to countries like Brazil, Ghana, and Venezuela. (Much like today, the Cuban government received 100% of their salaries and generally reserved payment of one-fourth of what doctors are owed until they returned to Cuba. In order to prevent them from staying abroad and abandoning the “mission”, they are not allowed family visits or the right to return for the two or more years that they are contracted.) Habana, November 2011.