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Cuba’s Capitol Building amidst Post-Soviet Crisis

Once Fidel Castro shelved elections and representative democracy, what had once been an aspirational symbol of government accountability, the home of Cuba’s Senate and House of Representatives, became a museum. When I first visited Cuba for a month in June 1995, I had to go several times in order to “sneak in” some picture-taking with my small, cheap camera of the major sites inside. Seen here is the “Hall of Lost Steps”, where the first revolutionary government of 1959 displayed millions of dollars’ worth of objects purchased by Batista and his cronies with embezzled funds. Also featured is the office of the head of the Senate, leading off to the Senatorial chambers. In a country where electricity was then (and now) extremely scarce for average residents, the chandelier drew my attention: Would the guard be so kind as to allow me a photograph? What about turning on the lights? JUNE 1995.