Encountering Cubans out for a stroll with their unleashed (and not always friendly) dogs remains a hallmark of my many visits to Cuba in the 1990s. The proud owner of twin Chinese pugs myself, I could not fathom how I would have corralled them away from other dogs and dangers on Cuba’s neglected and pot-holed streets without the benefit of a leash. Talking to these girls on the streets of Trinidad, each holding her almost brand-new puppy, I found myself enthralled by their stories and advice. They were equally fascinated: Training treats? Dog biscuits? Halters? Handless, clip-on-the-waist dog leashes? What were all of those things? Determined to bridge the cultural gap and convenience divide, I began bringing extra leashes and treats for fellow dog lovers in Cuba, alongside the medicines, clothing, and long-lost Cuban spices once deemed essential to Cuban meals that everyone brought back then. While non-dog-lovers never understood why I “wasted” the space in my bags, I made friends with many strangers, human and canine alike. Trinidad de Cuba, June 1995.