Herbert Matthews’ February 1957 blockbuster report in the New York Times of the survival of Fidel Castro and 18 members of an 82-man invasion force inspired young journalist Andrew St. George to go to the Sierra Maestra himself. With Coronet magazine’s funding and CBS’s heavy recording equipment, St. George made contact with clandestine activists of Fidel’s 26th of July Movement in New York and Miami to book the trip. Once in Oriente, top local organizer Celia Sánchez provided a safe house and press pass. Felipe Guerra Matos served as guide. Unlike Matthews, who spent less than a day with Fidel’s troop, St. George spent nearly two months, from mid-April to early June 1957. It was the first of six trips he made to the Sierra. St. George spent more time with the Rebel Army than any other journalist. Photograph by Ernesto “Che” Guevara using St. George’s camera.